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What’s the MAC?

The MAC stands for the Methow Aquatic Center and it’s the name we’ve been using to refer to the future pool. Based on community and expert input gathered from 2019-2022, an indoor, year-round facility with two pools of different temperatures, was selected at that time.

The MAC could be a phased project, starting with an outdoor pool, eventually covering it, or adding a gym or other amenities.

Friends of the Pool hired Ballard*King and Associates in 2020 to conduct a feasibility study to provide a preliminary option for a new pool with a goal to serve the valley for the next 50 years. There was strong public support for a year-round, indoor pool that would accommodate athletes, young children, and our aging population. Click here to access the report.

Why the MAC?

  1. The Wagner Pool is on life support and needs replacement now!

  2. Pools provide a safe space for kids to gain independence

  3. It could serve as an indoor air-shed and climate resilient facility

  4. Vibrant communities have pools

  5. A gathering hub for all people, all ages, all year

  6. A safe and healthy place for our aging population


Community Involvement:

Since 2019 Friends of the Pool has engaged the community in numerous ways to gain insight and feedback on the best way to secure a future of swimming for the valley. To date, we’ve :

  • conducted small stakeholder discussion groups and online surveys

  • hosted community open houses, zoom meetings, and information booths

  • worked with elected officials and current pool management to learn

  • engaged on social media, print, and online formats to inform and seek participation

The MAC draft plan (from the feasibility study) includes two pools of different designs and temperatures for a diverse user group ranging in age from young to old and varying mobilities. A six-lane pool would be used for lap swimming, swim competitions, and other higher exertion activities where cooler water is best. Alongside this, would be a warmer recreational pool suited to children’s lessons, exercise for adults, and rehabilitation.

Support the Future of Swiming in the Methow Valley!


How do we get there?

Building the MAC is a complex project and it will take a variety of sources of funding and partnerships to make it a realty.

  1. The Methow Aquatics District: many communities try to pass a recreation district to help fund pools. Though it didn't pass in Nov 2023, we may try again in the future after we have more design and financial details.

  2. Grants: We will seek grants from a variety of sources.

  3. Donations & Capital Campaign: We hope to raise a large portion of the capital for this project from private donors.